Initial visits for chiropractic care, massage or acupuncture are all approximately 1-2 hours. Filling out paperwork ahead of time will assist in making your visit more efficient.
If you are coming for a Chiropractic visit, it is helpful to bring any existing health records, such as Xrays or MRI’s. If this is unavailable, the results of these records can always be requisitioned. Xrays are sometimes taken at Back In Action at the time of your initial visit – on the region of your chief complaint.
We like to work as a team with any other health care providers that you utilize. We are happy to send reports and or to communicate with both medical and complementary health care providers, for your best interest.
If you have any questions regarding your first visit or any future visits that we will have the pleasure of seeing you at, contact us today at (804) 254-0200.